Jozie's Crocheted Scarf Hoody

It has been a little while, but when your body gets tired, your brain gets tired too.

I've been making some serious progress on the crocheted scarf hoody I've been working on, and I took a couple of photos to post. I'm using Caron Country yarn, which has quickly become my favorite line. Affordable, soft, comfy. it is a wool blend, and extremely soft.

These photos are clearly pre-blocking, so the shape isn't perfect. I spent a ridiculous amount of time creating the pattern to gradually increase from 4 inches in width to 10 inches in width, and 40 inches length. Make two pieces, and sew two sides together on the widest ends. I'm hoping to sell the pattern when I'm finished. It is certainly going to be comfy! Click for the higher res versions.

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